Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Day 142 Box Plots

6th Grade Math Standards: 6.SP.4 Display numerical data in plots on a number line, including dot plots, histograms, and box plots. MA.4.a. Read and interpret circle graphs.

Quote of the Day: “All of the 15 actions are appropriate and productive ways of demonstrating emotional openness and the vulnerability that can accompany it.
1.     Say you’re sorry.
2.     Admit you’re wrong.
3.     Empathize
4.     Ask for help.
5.     Talk about how you feel – not just what you think – about an important issue.
6.     Compliment someone
7.     Admit a failure.
8.     Ask for advice.
9.     Use humor – joke about yourself
10. Share problems.
11. Express heartfelt condolences if needed.
12. Share personal issues as appropriate.
13. Help someone else succeed
14. Be honest.
15. Acknowledge others’ contributions.” - Andrew Sobel

Question from Yesterday (as always from a student): "Do we include all the numbers on the number line when finding the mean in a line plot or just the X's?" - Ashlyn Rago

The Learning Objective: Determine three measures of variation when looking at a box plot

Assessment: Students did an exit ticket that was checked by me.


  1. Jumpstart on independent variables versus dependent variables
  2. QSSQ
  3. Students worked in groups on what could be the median, first quartile, and third quartile of a box plot without any instruction for five minutes while I corrected weekly quizzes
  4. We reviewed the predictions students made (essentially took notes)
  5. Samantha's Family in relation to the box and whisker plots
  6. Exit Ticket
  7. Start homework
  8. Work on the weekly quiz

Glass Half-Full: The exit ticket verified that the students had a solid grasp on the material. I just wish that I had used a consistent exit ticket throughout the lesson (I lost track of the papers in one class and of course found them at the

Regrets: Many students plowed through the homework and weekly quiz. A point in the lesson I did not prep for, but on the fly I had students create data sets that could make sense for a box plot. Next I had them create a potential line plot based on a box and whisker plot. I'd like to have this be a little more organized in the future or even assign the next lesson instead of slowing it down as much as we did today.

Link of the Day: Teacher Appreciation Day deal from Chipotle. I guess they can use the positive PR.

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