Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Day 25: Adding and Subtracting Decimals

6th Grade Math Standards: 6.NS.3 Fluently add, subtract, multiply, and divide multi-digit decimals using the standard algorithm for each operation.

The Learning Objective: Add and subtract decimal numbers.

Quote of the Day“You can have the courage to be positive as you get up in the morning to face the day. You can have the courage to be gracious in defeat. You can have the courage to apologize when you hurt someone or make a mistake. You can have the courage to try something new - any small thing. Each time you display bravery of any kind, you make an investment in your courage. Do that long enough, and you will begin to live a lifestyle of courage. And when the bigger risks come, they will seem much smaller to you because you will have become much larger.” - John Maxwell

Assessment: The checklist from the quiz (to check for understanding), students doing problems and standing up when finished during the notes, and starting the homework


  1. Self Assessment 
  2. Review the quiz
  3. Decimal Notes
  4. Start the homework

Glass-Half Full: Since a few students did so well on the pre-assessment I asked them if they wanted the differentiated assignment which I told them was more of a challenge, but I tried to sell it to them by saying the work that was in the notes was something that would bore them since they knew it already. They all agreed. In all of my classes. I gave them this assignment on the greatest basketball players from Yummy Math.

Regrets: I keep insisting that students come after school or at lunch to do retakes, but I'm not advertising it well enough. Not enough students are taking advantages, or to put it another way, students are resisting my efforts to make them learn.

I will start to make phone calls, place emails, and put the times and days I'm available on the board for retakes.

Link of the Day: $3 Booritos from Chipotle.

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