Saturday, January 2, 2016

Day 72: Alcott Day

6th Grade Math Standards: N/A

The Learning Objective: Provide value to the life of another; determine an action step that will lead to a positive change in your life

Assessment: I collected the resolutions.


  1. Kid President: Awesome Year
  2. I read a story from Chicken Soup for the Soul about how a class once wrote a scroll for every student in the class. The students held onto the scrolls years later and their teacher only found out about it after attending the funeral of one of her former students. 
  3. We discussed adjectives beyond simply funny and nice. We said we could write stories about students too. 
  4. I passed out scrolls to each student and told them to write their name at the top. 
  5. I assigned each student a person to pass the scroll to. Every minute we switched scrolls so that every student in the class had the opportunity to write on the scroll. 
  6. The scrolls were hung on the lockers for kids in other homerooms to write on if they wanted.
  7. Students came up with an academic and personal resolution which I hung onto so that they could revisit them in June. 
  8. We watched the movie Rio (the students had just finished a South America unit)
  9. We played Scattegories with the following categories: math vocab, countries, verbs, universe terms, book titles, cities, Belmonte faculty, found at the ocean, adjectives, colleges/universities, student names, animals

Glass-Half Full: We got through the last day before the second most anticipated vacation of the school year. Nobody was a problem. The students went to vacation on a very positive note both in terms of the joy that helped spread to others and also the sense of self-worth they got from others.

Regrets: There was not much of an opportunity for students to go and intersperse themselves with other homerooms. Students were also just plugging in one or two word answers to the scroll which made the scrolls less meaningful. I still think overall this was a great way to spend the last day before a vacation.

Link of the Day: Good article on how to find the time and how to use your time most efficiently in seeing other teachers teach.

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