Thursday, May 5, 2016

Day 147 Displaying Data Quiz

6th Grade Math Standards: Display numerical data in plots on a number line, including dot plots, histograms, and box plots. MA.4.a. Read and interpret circle graphs.

Quote of the Day“What really motivates people? Is it money? Titles? The answer – which is supported by extensive research – is personal recognition for doing a good job.” - Andrew Sobel

Question from Yesterday (as always from a student): "Is it possible to find an outlier by looking at a histogram?"

The Learning Objective: Describe measures of variation and central tendency in data displays; construct histograms, box plots, and line plots

Assessment: The quiz on displaying data.


  1. QSSQ
  2. Take the quiz
  3. Fix the weekly quiz 
  4. Clickers
  5. Vocabulary bags (one round of 30 seconds for each person in groups of six followed up by one round of one minute each with me giving the questions)

Glass Half-Full: The vocabulary bag activity was an excellent ten minute filler. I had two students stand at each side of the room as "hawks" for any groups that were not paying attention during the second round. If the hawks saw that these groups were not paying attention they took a point away. It's important that before picking the hawks they know that the hawk must have honesty and responsibility to carry out their roles.

Regrets: The problem about what range of numbers is covered in a histogram was not well understood by the students. Also students were unaware that the first quartile to the median was 25% of the data set.

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