The Learning Objective: Divide in order to find a quotient; check the calculation to verify an answer
Quote of the Day: "Discipline yourself and others won't have to." - John Wooden
- Jumpstart on division exclusion or the ticket to leave (depending on the class)
- Review the division homework
- Ticket to leave review
- Begin the study guide
End of Class 1
- Finish the study guide
- Journal on how to study and check work
- Do three division word problems as part of our homework
- Visual patterns 1 and 2
The Assessment: I checked all students homework. I also went back and looked at students that made mistakes from the third day of school on subtraction and had five of these students do a borrowing problem that included a zero with precision. I also showed a couple students that had difficulty multiplying a two-digit by two-digit number how to do this task and the students were able to perform this task with a multiplication chart. The students either had myself or a classmate to check their study guide during class. Students can then go home try a blank copy of the study guide again and check their answers here.
Homework: The students were given three word problems and also told to study (they told me how to study in each class).
My Glass Half-Full Take: The basic premise of the school is that the student learns and the teacher teaches. It's that simple, but for me it has never been quite that simple. In the past, I would sometimes do the formative, make a generalization about all of my students and then reteach until I felt like the generalization changed. Today I picked certain students with precise standards in my mind that I had written down as students that still needed help with that standard based on assessment data. And I saw them get it. That's rewarding and gives me peace of mind with a quiz tomorrow.
One Thing to Do Differently: I asked students to journal two things for me. The first was to tell me two ways they intended to study. The second was to ask them to show me how to check their work on four select problems from the study guide (#7, 11, 14, and 17). I wish that I had an exemplar ahead of time for exactly what I meant. The number of questions I received - particularly for the second part of the journal activity was overwhelming. The students knew to use either the inverse operation or estimation for instance, but were writing that instead of showing the math and writing that. Perhaps I also could have been more clear in my prompt which was written using my Epson Projector.
And as a second thing to do differently, here are some formative assessments mistakes I collected from today (one of these I caught and helped the student out - the other I hope studies!).
Link of the Day: Percentage question from the site OpenMiddle: What is the fewest number of people surveyed if exactly 93.6% of people completed a survey?
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