Grade 6 Math Standards: 6.NS.6b Understand signs of numbers in ordered pairs as indicating locations in quadrants of the
coordinate plane; recognize that when two ordered pairs differ only by signs, the locations of
the points are related by reflections across one or both axes.
Standards for Mathematical Practice 5 & 7
The Learning Objective: Tessellate a shape using translations and reflections
The Assessment: The students traced their tessellations on an 8 and 1/2 by 11 inch index card.
Agenda: This PDF pretty much takes us through the agenda. We ended up doing just parts one and two.
Glass Half-Full Take: It's the end of the year and the students are able to have a little autonomy while still meeting mathematical obligations to make me happy.
One Regret: The directions said to cut the index card in half. I never did this, but it worked out fine. The other regret was that I was not as specific as I needed to be in telling the students to start cutting in one corner and finish in the adjacent corner. Many students finished cutting on the edge of the index card instead of the corner, so they had to start over and an index card is wasted in the process.
Link of the Day: This article from The Atlantic discusses how teachers have summers off. There are those that believe teachers are not underpaid because they get summers off and those that do because much of the time teachers spend on the job is done while they're technically not on the clock. I think summer is the perfect time to recharge the batteries for both teachers and students.
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