Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Day 31: Introduction to Ratios

6th Grade Math Standards: 6.RP.1 Understand the concept of a ratio and use ratio language to describe a ratio relationship between two quantities. For example, “The ratio of wings to beaks in the bird house at the zoo was 2:1, because for every 2 wings there was 1 beak.” “For every vote candidate A received, candidate C received nearly three votes.”

The Learning Objective: Define ratio; give an example of a ratio

Quote of the Day:

Question from Yesterday (as always from a student): What was Jeanine's rate of putting together calculators for one hour?

Assessment: Here is the ticket to leave:


  1. Record and reflect on the decimal quiz 
  2. Review the decimal quiz
  3. Ratio vocabulary, read it, write it, and say it
  4. Ratio scavenger around the room (tell people and then share it to people). End of Class 1
  5. More depth to the ratio notes (you can write them three ways, highlight the words before and after "to" in a word problem two different colors
  6. Exit Ticket. As students work on the exit ticket, pass out the textbooks. 
  7. Rip out and start the homework.

Glass-Half Full: As indicated in the picture under the assessment, highlighting was new and it was effective. I don't have exact data, but the question pictured has historically resulted in more losses than victories. Today there were more victories than losses. The highlighting method forces students to think. It's my fourth year teaching ratios, so this is becoming very predictable to see what students will do wrong.

I also joined Instagram. Students are following like woah.

Regrets: There was a lot of chaos toward the end of class between books being passed out, students needing assistance on the exit ticket, and getting weekly quizzes passed back. It's important for students to get a warning on this chaos before it happens to ensure maximum possible cooperation.

Link of the Day: A parent recommended CamScanner app for creating PDFs with the cell phone. Could definitely be useful in a pinch for me.

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