Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Bagel Bites or DiGiorno?

A friend had to buy gum at Walgreen's last Saturday. The line was huge and I had nothing to do so I was the crazy dude taking pictures of Bagel Bites and DiGiorno. Looking back I probably should have stood the DiGiorno up like the Bagel Bites. Oh well.

Standards: 6.RP.3, 6.NS.3, 6.G.1: MA.1.a, MA.1.b
Act 1: What questions come to mind?

To me the question that comes to mind is what is the better buy? Of course that implies the Bagel Bites and DiGiorno taste the same, which I honestly don't believe, but anyway. I'm also ignoring the thickness of both, but I already said anyway so moving on!

Act 2:

  • Diameter of a Bagel Bite = 2 inches
  • Diameter of a DiGiorno Rising Crust = 12 inches

Act 3: The math. 

Sequel: How many Bagel Bites would need to be added to the box for Bagel Bites to be the better buy? How many Bagel Bites would need to be added for the area of the two products to be equivalent? 

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