Objective: Give a unit rate to describe the relationship between two different quantities; apply unit rates to solve other problems; write a ratio three ways; define ratio
- Take the Ratio Quiz
- Fix the Weekly Quiz
- Keep the numbers 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1 in that order. Use any operations you want and as many parenthesis as necessary. Get solutions from 1 through 40.
- Boorito (from Yummy Math)
Assessment: The quiz.
Glass Half-Full: The quiz was successfully revamped to interleave the decimal standard from our last quiz with a decimal question right off of the 2016 MCAS test. The most encouraging sign of the quiz though was the way in which students highlighted without instructions from me on how to highlight during the quiz. It gave them a great indication of what they needed to find.
Regrets: I got to the Boorito activity in one class, but I wish we could have done it in all classes. The many factors that we needed to consider about the potential for raising $1 million was something that engaged the students. We even researched how many people were in various countries. And once I introduced the actual numbers of how many people celebrate Halloween, how many Chipotles there are in the world and where they are located, the operations of operation, etc. the students were able to start to make conclusions. I did this in a Socratic style instead of a think pair share or group activity, but I think the format worked given the time we had, and the fact that we had not really seen many problems like this one yet this year.
Link: I like this question about auditing your mathematics classroom. "When you look at your roster, can you identify one way in which every student is mathematically smart?"
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