Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Day 34 Nana's Paint Mix Up

6th Grade Math Standards: 6.RP.1 Understand the concept of a ratio and use ratio language to describe a ratio relationship between two quantities. For example, “The ratio of wings to beaks in the bird house at the zoo was 2:1, because for every 2 wings there was 1 beak.” “For every vote candidate A received, candidate C received nearly three votes.”

The Learning Objective: Determine if two ratios are equivalent; make two unequal ratios equivalent by manipulating the units

Quote of the DayBorn into poverty, Lincoln was faced with defeat throughout his life. He lost eight elections, twice failed in business and suffered a nervous breakdown. He could have quit many times - but he didn't and because he didn't quit, he became one of the greatest presidents in the history of our country.
Here is a sketch of Lincoln's road to the White House:
1816 His family was forced out of their home. He had to work to support them.
1818 His mother died.
1831 Failed in business.
1832 Ran for state legislature - lost.      
l832 Also lost his job - wanted to go to law school but couldn't get in.         
1833 Borrowed some money from a friend to begin a business and by the
end of the year he was bankrupt. He spent the next 17 years of his life
paying off this debt.
1834 Ran for state legislature again - won.         
1835 Was engaged to be married, sweetheart died and his heart was broken.
1836 Had a total nervous breakdown and was in bed for six months.         
1838 Sought to become speaker of the state legislature - defeated.
1840 Sought to become elector - defeated.        
1843 Ran for Congress - lost.  
1846 Ran for Congress again - this time he won - went to Washington and
did a good job.   
1848 Ran for re-election to Congress - lost.       
1849 Sought the job of land officer in his home state - rejected.   
1854 Ran for Senate of the United States - lost.
1856 Sought the Vice-Presidential nomination at his party's national
convention - got less than 100 votes.    
1858 Ran for U.S. Senate again - again he lost.  

1860 Elected president of the United States.

Question from Yesterday (as always from a student): Does the order matter in a ratio? Is 3 Kittens to 5 puppies the same as 5 puppies to 3 kittens?

What would happen to a ratio that was already put in simplest form if we added one more part to either ingredient? So if we had 20 chickens to 10 wolves and that ratio was simplified to 2:1 could it be 2:2 or even 1:1 if we added one more wolf?



  1. Estimation with capactiy Days 51 and 52
  2. QSSQ
  3. Review homework and exit ticket (for the class that did it)
  4. Nana's Paint Mix Up (from Dan Meyer)

Glass Half-Full: Last year when I was doing this lesson, I did the Partial Product from Dan Meyer. This was a good lesson, but as far as I'm concerned Nana's Paint Mix Up might have been the best lesson I've ever done.

I had students write in their notebooks what actually happened on one side and what nana wanted to happen on the other side before the videos were shown. I also had them take out a red colored pencil and another colored pencil of their choosing.

Next I had them partner up before finally showing the video twice to the class. The students were given one minute to decide if the problem was possible to fix. Only two students said it could not be fixed, but they were quickly persuaded to jump off that boat. Next, I had the students to determine how to fix it and that's where the fun started.

One pair of students immediately concluded that by scooping 24 reds the problem would be fixed. They seemed to nail it, so I gave them the sequel question of finding more than one answer to fixing the problem. Other pairs of students struggled. I mean really struggled. When I was set to start going over the problem, I asked one pair of students if they wanted to leave the room so they could not see the answer and they complied. Three other groups followed them out the door into the neighboring class (which is a math class so the teacher did not care).

Then the group that had immediately gotten the answer who I was worried would be bored for the rest of the class opened up Pandora's Box. They argued that 25 red to 5 white was a way to do it. Correct. They then said that 30 red to 10 white was another way to do it. And they would not get rid of that thought. I said nothing. For once in my life. Three other groups kept trying to refute what they said, but that original group just coming back with reasons that their answer worked. Eventually a chart set them straight. Then we invited the seven students back into the room. One group concluded that by adding 8 red, the ratio was now 9:5 which is the same as 5:1. We set them straight with a drawing.

Overall the lesson was an excellent example of having a belief and setting that belief straight with the definition that for every five red there is one white.

Regrets: The book is horrible for the homework. Not only are the problems boring, but there's no room to put a quality answer on the page. The spiral notebook is a necessity. There has to be a better way of getting kids to practice these skills.

Link of the Day: Solve Me Mobile. Good for equations. Could be good for more too I just found it and need to start exploring some more.

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