Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Day 148 Displaying Data Study Guide

6th Grade Math Standards: 6.NS.4 Display numerical data in plots on a number line, including dot plots, histograms, and box plots. MA.4.a. Read and interpret circle graphs.

6.NS.5 Summarize numerical data sets in relation to their context, such as by: a. Reporting the number of observations. b. Describing the nature of the attribute under investigation, including how it was measured and its units of measurement. c. Giving quantitative measures of center (median and/or mean) and variability (interquartile range and/or mean absolute deviation), as well as describing any overall pattern and any striking deviations from the overall pattern with reference to the context in which the data were gathered. d. Relating the choice of measures of center and variability to the shape of the data distribution and the context in which the data were gathered.

The Learning Objective: Construct a box plot; analyze a histogram, box plot, and line plot; construct a line plot

Quote of the DayThere is a greater correlation between self-confidence and achievement then there is between IQ and achievement.” - John Maxwell


  1. All students did an MCAS Simulation first thing in the morning. The other teachers generously accommodated us and we shortened classes for the rest of the day.
  2. The MCAS Simulations were given back to the students with highlights on wrong problems and then given an opportunity to reflect on how they did. I told all the students that the wrong problems are part of their weekly quiz for this week. 
  3. Review homework on histograms
  4. Do the study guide in partners
  5. Review the study guide as a whole class

The Assessment: I graded the MCAS simulation after students left for encore classes. About four students in each class had completed it after this amount of time. This was somewhat encouraging because I do want students to feel like they should take their time. The results were mixed. I had a couple surprises, but overall on a student level I thought kids were reaching their potential.

On a math standards level, it is clear that the two greatest hurdles students faced among the assessed standards were getting the part given the whole and a percentage and writing a number as the product of its prime numbers.

In terms of the homework, students were having a hard time identifying what was meant by frequency versus what is meant by the intervals (#4 on page 875).

I went around the room during the study guide and thought overall students were meeting the line plot standards fine. Depending on the class, it was also apparent that the homework review was helping students in their mastery of histograms. I made the study guide do for homework in all classes.

Homework: The study guide had to be completed. For a time I considered putting the answers to the quiz online tonight, but I ultimately did not have time to scan it as I had a meeting directly after school. Students also need to fix their MCAS simulation in the next couple of nights.

Glass Half-Full Take: I liked the way that the quote of the day was incorporated with the reflection of the simulation. I told students to believe in themselves and that smarts really do not matter because they are completely out of their control. It's been a theme all year, so it was nice to reiterate the day we do the dress rehearsal for the standardized test.

One Regret: I wish I could have put the answers to the quiz online today to reward students with good study habits, but hopefully they are rewarded anyway.

Link of the Day: This was research was done about twenty years ago, but can still be helpful today. I know wait time is always something I have struggled with.

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