Thursday, May 21, 2015

Day 159 Vacation Project Day 3

6th Grade Standards: 6.NS.2 Fluently multiply, add, subtract, and divide multi-digit decimals using the standard algorithm. 

The Objective: Use decimal operations in a real-world context 

  1. Checkbook notes
  2. Write checks to the places you are going, airlines, etc.
  3. Get the cost of gas
  4. (Optional) Pick another activity
  5. Do the percentage breakdown of your trip
  6. Plan the poster, brochure, etc.
The Assessment: I checked in with groups in the back of the room one at a time.

Glass Half-Full Take: Students are doing a solid job annexing zeroes, dividing by whole number divisors, and multiplying by factors that both have decimals. All the while this is a completely real-world context. I think if I asked students why we need to learn about decimals they could easily cite what we are doing right now.

It was also encouraging to see them write checks. This is a skill that most students were unfamiliar with and is an obvious life skill. I did add the caveat that many of these things are usually paid for with cash or credit card of course, but there are certain things that are more reasonable to do here. 

One Regret: The students need to be more delicate with the Chromebooks. We had one screen break today. I will review protocol for taking the Chromebooks out of the cart and handling them at their seats as well tomorrow. 

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