MA.1.a.Use the relationships among radius, diameter, and center of a circle to find its circumference and area.
MA.1.b. Solve real-world and mathematical problems involving the measurements of circles.
The Learning Objective: Find the area of a rectangle
Quote of the Day: “More than 50% of all CEOs of Fortune 500 companies had C or C- averages in college. 65% of all U.S. Senators came from the bottom half of their classes. 75% of U.S. presidents were in the lower half club in school. More than 50% of millionaire entrepreneurs never finished college. Talent isn’t everything.” - John Maxwell
Question from Yesterday (as always from a student): "What is the abbreviation for a light year?" "Is it possible to find the perimeter of a circle?"
Assessment: I did a my favorite no in which students were asked to find the base and height of a square with an area of 144 inches squared. Students also completed homework practice problems independently, stood up when done, and checked others after I had checked them.
- Estimation 180 (Days 101 - 104)
- Quote, Star Student, Question of the Day
- Perimeter Recap
- Area Notes
- Area my favorite no
- Area Practice (Handout A)
- Area homework was distributed
Glass-Half Full: I just have good positive energy right now coming off of vacation. I hope it lasts. One student today said to me, "Slow it down Secreteriat." Which is one of my favorite lines to say to students when they speed up too quickly. It was hysterical.
Regrets: Students know that feet + feet = feet and feet x feet = square feet. They don't really know why. I want to show that in the fastest way possible.
Link of the Day: This from a tweet I just saw:

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