6th Grade Math Standards: Find the area of right triangles, other triangles, special quadrilaterals, and polygons by composing into rectangles or decomposing into triangles and other shapes; apply these techniques in the context of solving real-world and mathematical problems.
MA.1.a.Use the relationships among radius, diameter, and center of a circle to find its circumference and area.
MA.1.b. Solve real-world and mathematical problems involving the measurements of circles.
The Learning Objective: Find the area of a trapezoid.
Quote of the Day: “Marva Collins taught Chicago children who had been judged and discarded. For many, her classroom was their last stop. One boy had been in and out of thirteen schools in four years. One stabbed children with pencils and had been thrown out of a mental health center. One eight-year-old would remove the blade from the pencil sharpener and cut up his classmates’ coast, hats, gloves, and scarves. One hit another student with a hammer on his first day. These children hadn’t learned much in school, but everyone knew it was their own fault. Everyone except Mrs. Collins. When 60 Minutes did a segment on Collins’s classroom, Morley Safer [the person doing the interview] tried his best to get a child to say he didn’t like the school. ‘It’s so hard here. There’s no recess. There’s no gym. They work you all day. You have only forty minutes for lunch. Why do you like it? It’s just too hard.’ But the student replied, ‘That’s why I like it, because it makes your brain bigger.’ - Carol Dweck
Question from Yesterday (as always from a student): Why is a negative times a negative a positive?
Assessment: Circumventing the room and having student checkers during the notes portion of the class.
- Missing sides jumpstart
- WQ #12 Passed back and WQ #13 passed out
- Trapezoid Intro (don't get trapped)
- Trapezoid Notes
- Trapezoid HW Practice
Glass-Half Full: The notes took an entire block (five problems), but the pace was plenty appropriate.
Regrets: Not having the experience of doing the order of operations with the students kind of makes this more difficult than it needs to be, but at least when we do order of operations the students will feel very prepared from today's lesson.
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