Monday, May 2, 2016

Day 145 Histograms Day Two

6th Grade Math Standards: Display numerical data in plots on a number line, including dot plots, histograms, and box plots. MA.4.a. Read and interpret circle graphs.

Quote of the Day“Psychologist Jeremy Dean notes that we have a name for people who don’t experience negative emotions: pyschopaths.” – Ron Friedman

Question from Yesterday (as always from a student): "Why is there no space between the bars of a histogram?" - Kyle Hogan

The Learning Objective: Design a frequency table to construct a histogram

Assessment: Tom Brady's touchdowns by season (exit ticket)


  1. Jumpstart on box plots
  2. Weekly Quiz Review
  3. QSSQ
  4. Pepper
  5. May Mayhem Day 1 (questions revisiting area of a triangle, surface area of a rectangular prism, volume of a rectangular prism, and distributive property)
  6. Tom Brady Histograms practice (interceptions)
  7. Tom Brady Histograms exit ticket (touchdowns)
  8. Histogram homework

Glass Half-Full: Getting students to do the Tom Brady histograms problem as the exit ticket in the second class was perfect. I was able to quickly point out the common errors I was seeing (unequal intervals, lack of a title or labels, and using a scale unnecessarily too large for the frequency portion of the graph). I also was able to clarify to students that intervals need not start and end with a number in the data set.

Regrets: There was about a ten minute lull period in one of my classes today for students that finished the homework early and also did fine on their MCAS simulation. Some sort of challenge could have alleviated this type of scenario.

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