Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Day 146 Displaying Data Study Guide

6th Grade Math Standards: 6.SP.4 Display numerical data in plots on a number line, including dot plots, histograms, and box plots. MA.4.a. Read and interpret circle graphs.

Quote of the Day“Many people believe that if they could just make more money, they would enjoy their work. Ironically, it’s the other way around: If people viewed their work with the right mental attitude, they would probably make more money.” - Napoleon Hill

Question from Yesterday (as always from a student): "How does a paper cut work?" "If the bars are not connected on a histogram wouldn't it just be a bar graph?" "Is the outlier of the data set with Tom Brady's interceptions 8?"

The Learning Objective: Construct a histogram, line plot, and box plot

Assessment: Study guide, clickers


  1. May Mayhem jumpstart on volume with fractional edges, surface area, distributive property, and combining like terms 
  2. Homework review of the histograms
  3. QSSQ
  4. Study guide done either with a partner or indivdually
  5. Encore performance of May Mayhem with the same types of questions as part one but different numbers
  6. Weekly Quiz (if time allows)

Glass Half-Full: The second time around with the May Mayhem there was significant improvement compared with the first time around. That should not be a surprise or anything, but what was nice was actually doing this a second time in the same day. I'm going to assess the same four concepts tomorrow during May Mayhem and hope that they have stuck.

Regrets: One idea I had today not just for this lesson but for all lessons was to create a challenge component to every worksheet/assignment we do. Again, this is not a novel concept (it's called differentiation), but it is something that I do not currently do. This is of course a huge undertaking though.

Link of the Day: It's just under 100 days until the Olympics begin! Mathalicious has a cool lesson for the occasion.

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