Quote of the Day: “Many people believe that if they could just make more money, they would enjoy their work. Ironically, it’s the other way around: If people viewed their work with the right mental attitude, they would probably make more money.” - Napoleon Hill
Question from Yesterday (as always from a student): "How does a paper cut work?" "If the bars are not connected on a histogram wouldn't it just be a bar graph?" "Is the outlier of the data set with Tom Brady's interceptions 8?"
The Learning Objective: Construct a histogram, line plot, and box plot
Assessment: Study guide, clickers
- May Mayhem jumpstart on volume with fractional edges, surface area, distributive property, and combining like terms
- Homework review of the histograms
- Study guide done either with a partner or indivdually
- Encore performance of May Mayhem with the same types of questions as part one but different numbers
- Weekly Quiz (if time allows)
Glass Half-Full: The second time around with the May Mayhem there was significant improvement compared with the first time around. That should not be a surprise or anything, but what was nice was actually doing this a second time in the same day. I'm going to assess the same four concepts tomorrow during May Mayhem and hope that they have stuck.
Regrets: One idea I had today not just for this lesson but for all lessons was to create a challenge component to every worksheet/assignment we do. Again, this is not a novel concept (it's called differentiation), but it is something that I do not currently do. This is of course a huge undertaking though.
Link of the Day: It's just under 100 days until the Olympics begin! Mathalicious has a cool lesson for the occasion.
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